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- महाराष्ट्र सागरी मासेमारी नियमन अधिनियमन 1981 कायद्यांतर्गत अनधिकृत नौकांवर केलेल्या कार्यवाहीचा तपशिल
- विभागाच्या जागा
Work order dated 27/10/2021 for PMMSY year 2021-22
Minutes of meeting (English) (1.89 MB)
List of the Committee members present for SLAMC meeting (English) (994.07 KB)
Appendix-2 - List of Approved Beneficiaries (MIS) (English) (94.51 KB)
BHANDARA (Marathi, English) (2 MB)
GADCHIROLI (Marathi, English) (1.9 MB)
CHANDRAPUR (Marathi, English) (2.13 MB)
GONDIA (Marathi, English) (2.34 MB)
Extention and support service center (English) (286 KB)
Fish value add enterprises unit (English) (286 KB)
Open sea cage culture (English) (294 KB)
Backyard mini RAS (English) (253.6 KB)
Backyard ornamental fish rearing unit (English)(321.88 KB)
Constructuion fish kiosk (English) (799.67 KB)
Construction biofloc pond FW areas include input (English) (804.64 KB)
Construction biofloc pond in saline area (English)(165.91 KB)
Construction of grow out pond (English) (2.57 MB)
Construction of pond BW (English) (161.6 KB)
Construction of Rearing pond (English) (269.25 KB)
Construction pond saline-alkaline areas (English)(253.22 KB)
Deep sea fishing vessels(English) (296.01 KB)
Disease diagnostic lab(English) (240.19 KB)
E platform (English ) (237.24 KB)
Establishement of fish seed hatchery (English) (439.58 KB)
Establishment of Sea Weed Rafts (English) (211.61 KB)
Feed Mill 2 Ton (English) (850.39 KB)
Feed mill 8 ton (English) (304.77 KB)
Feed mill 20 ton (English) (260.67 KB)
ICe plant 10ton (English) (283.46 KB)
Ice plant 20 ton (English) (274.99 KB)
Ice plant 30 ton (English) (292.87 KB)
ice plant 50 ton (English) (326.12 KB)
Refrigerarted vehicle (English) (442.82 KB)
Installation of Cages (English) (1.14 MB)
Input BW aquaculture (English) (134 KB)
Input cost for freshwater aquaculture (English) (4 MB)
Input saline alkaline water aquaculture (English) (247 KB)
Insulated vehicle 6 ton (English) (534 KB)
Integrate ornamental fish unit (English) (384 KB)
Large recirculatory Aquaculture System (English) (879 KB)
Live fish vending center (English) (398 KB)
Stocking of fingerlings (English) (1.5 MB)
Providing boats and nets for traditional fishermen (English) (1.7 MB)
Promotion of recreational fisheries (English) (277 KB)
Motorcycle with ice box (English) (1.4 MB)
Modernisation of cold storage (English0) (254 KB)
Medium scale ornamental fish rearing unit (English) (231 KB)
Medium Recirculatory aquaculture system (English) (3.8 MB)
Three wheeler with ice box (English) (827 KB)
Upgradation of fishing vessels (English) (312 KB)
Appendix-3-List of Beneficiaries in the Waiting List (MIS) (English) (19.89 KB)
Grow out ponds Waiting list (English) (372.78 KB)
Hatchery WO Waiting list (English)(242.05 KB)
Input cost Waiting list (English)(414 KB)
Large RAS Waiting list (English)(1.1 MB)